Well now...
I've become a real cynic politically...well, maybe in general. I wrote a blog recently about how Obama and McCain aren't really that different, which I still stand by. The problem is, Republican doesn't mean 'conservative' these days. I found a great quote which illustrates my point.
“I fear the government has passed the point of no return,” said Ron Chernow, a leading American financial historian. “We have the irony of a free-market administration doing things that the most liberal Democratic administration would never have been doing in its wildest dreams.”
This was taken from the New York Times. Basically, we have had a Republican administration violating all the rules of fiscal conservation for the last 8 years. They bailed out failing banks and now AIG to the tune of just over 800 BILLION dollars this year. Now, I am not for paying higher taxes but at least with the Democrats they come out and say they will not be fiscal conservatives (although Clinton was, balancing the budget).
Neither Obama or McCain has a plan for getting the American economy back on track. At least Obama is honest with his taxation plan, I know what it will cost me. So far, for the last 8 years with the Republicans, we have been told it will be cheap but found out it cost many people their house, part of their retirement pension and all of us at the gas pump. Hidden costs are still costs.
What I don't understand is that some people sit and gripe about how Obama is going to raise taxes. Would you rather have higher taxes you know about or watch as the economy spirals into unknown territory and your pension plan, tied to the stock market, bleeds more red than a horror flick? Gosh, don't raise our taxes.