Wednesday, April 22, 2009


In a dream I saw us three
You and I and she
We walked along the misty fringes
Lost and stumbling nowhere
Surveying the crags and precipices
When out of the fog I beheld
A bridge across the chasm
"Onward", I cried, "Hope is here!"
You, ever the cynic, paused
"We don't know where it goes."
"To lands of milk and honey", I cried
"Where streets are paved with gold!"
"Well, to get to a place like that
you need more than a bridge.
It can't be real", you scoffed.
She, ever the skeptic, jumped in
"How do we know the bridge goes to
any wondrous place? You haven't seen it!"
"No", I replied, "but it could be true.
I want to believe."
Onto the shaky bridge I stepped.
Its destination ever unsure
You and she, wrapped in your
Cynicism, scoffing and skepticism
Hung back
I believe and so I test the unknown
I would rather try
Than die never knowing.

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