Sunday, May 20, 2007

Wildflower-Indian Blanket/Fire Wheel


Anonymous said...

After viewing those lovely flowers, I have one thing to say.
You must have one expensive camera!!

Anonymous said...

What in the world! You are an amazing photographer!!! Seriously...I think National Geographic should snatch you up. We should pay you to make some pics of those neat flowers for Macie's big girl room! :-)

TopCat said...


Actually, I use a disposable camera, it is just my immense skill that makes the pictures look as mahvelous as they do. :)

TopCat said...


That can be arranged. And probably for free or dirt cheap.


hannah said...

Those were really marvelous shots!

I actually want to give credit to your camera but you just said that you only used a disposable one....what more can I say? ... You've got the skill, brother. You're blessed.