Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Back Forty Idioms

I have been talking about doing a blog based on farm-related idioms for awhile now so here goes. I'll let you supply the meanings in the comment section. PS- using Google is cheating.
PPS-I'll post all the answers in a couple of days but you win a gold star for each one you get right.

tough row to hoe--

high cotton--

that dog'll hunt--

buying pig in a poke--

shut the barn door after the cows get out--

can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear--

light a shuck--

long in the tooth--

never look a gift horse in the mouth--

like a chicken with its head cut off--

dog and pony show (not really farm related)--

come a gully washer--

cotton shower--

That should be enough for this time. Stayed tuned for more or give new ones in the comments section.


Anonymous said...

I don't think I know any of these! :) Maybe "Chicken with it's head cut off". :)

Anonymous said...

Granny is adding "lick your calf over" via Mom.

Jim Bob said...

I love using the term "crawfish", or "crawfishing on me", in front of city slickers.