Last Saturday I went geocaching with my friend Dave. (Just as a note, if your name is Dave you may want to be my friend because I have one uncle and at least three friends named Dave.)
Geocaching is a little like organized treasure-hunting. First, someone goes out and hides a 'cache'. Then they go home and get on the internet. They record the GPS coordinates of the cache and a few details (if they want to) including clues about where the cache is hidden. Then, you go to and find those coordinates and clues and go out with your handheld GPS to find the cache.
The cache is usually a Tupperware-type container. Inside are small trinkets and a logbook. You sign the logbook and if you choose, take a trinket and put a new trinket of your own in the container. Items such as travel bugs and special coins can also be in the cache. These are special items and you are expected to log the fact that you found it and then you can't keep it but you must put it in a different cache. Some of these coins and travel bugs have goals, such as making it to a certain location etc.
Dave and I had coordinates on 5 caches and we found 4 of them. We speculate that the fifth was found by 'muggles', a term stolen from Harry Potter meaning non-geocachers as the cache was probably just beside the trail. I say probably because we never found it and can only speculate.
I found geocaching was great fun and an enjoyable way to spend a few hours out traipsing around in the woods. Many caches are in neighborhood parks but some are extremely remote. And, for you Malaysians, there are also caches in that part of the world as well. Happy hunting!
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