Tuesday, October 09, 2007

The Greatest Canadian

I have a few Canadian friends and a question I have asked on a few occasions is, "Who do you feel is the greatest Canadian?" Usually their attempts at an honest answer are interrupted by my annoying interjections of, "Is it Shania Twain or Nelly Furtado?" Anyway, I found a poll online and it was helpful for me to know a few Canadian greats, so, on this day, Canadian Thanksgiving, I offer you the list of the Greatest Canadians.

  1. Tommy Douglas (politician)
  2. Terry Fox (cancer survivor who ran across Canada)
  3. Pierre Trudeau (Prime Minister)
  4. Sir Fredrick Banting (discovered/developed insulin)
  5. David Suzuki (geneticist)
  6. Lester B. Pearson (Prime Minister)
  7. Don Cherry (hockey commentator)
  8. Sir John A. MacDonald (Prime Minister)
  9. Alexander Graham Bell (Come here, Mr. Watson, I want to see you!)
  10. Wayne Gretzky (Married a Hollywood B list star)

Here is the link to the home page if you want to read more about each of these individuals.

I also found a list of great Americans. You can see it here. It must be old because "Dubya" is number 6 and I don't think he would rate that highly now.

1 comment:

TopCat said...
