Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Hackberry Flat

This afternoon (18/12) I braved the chilly weather (I really miss the tropics!) to do a little bird watching. Hackberry Flat is a short drive from my parent’s house and is a flat that acts as a type of shallow pond or wetlands area. Migratory waterfowl use it as a stopover, lots of raptors hunt in the wetlands and other wildlife stop in as well. I saw six white-tail deer in the tall grasses around the edge of the wetlands as I was leaving. Here is my list for the day:

Red-tailed hawk
Common snipe
Red-winged blackbird
Sandpiper sp?
Green-winged teal
Western meadowlark
American robin
American kestrel
Northern harrier (not a positive ID)
Great blue heron
Blue-winged teal
Northern shoveler
Greater white-fronted goose
American coot

Common snipe

A weed at twilight.

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