Saturday, December 30, 2006

It's a wild, wild, wild, wild world

Pictures from my my outings the last couple of weeks.

Texas longhorn

Buffleheads (ducks)

American bison or buffalo.
These were once so abundant they would stop trains for days as the herds moved across the tracks. Then they were hunted to the brink of extinction but have made a comeback. They are found mainly in national parks and other protected areas such as this one on the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge.

Northern Cardinal (female)

Harris's sparrow

Barred owl

Prairie dog

A trio of prairie dogs on alert. Predators include hawks, falcons and coyotes. (But it was me who alerted them!)


Divz said...

Have 2 words for the photos "Simply Awesome Lah". Thats actually 3 :) but lah does not count....Look fwd to more snaps when you're back in MY. Cheers, Divz

Anonymous said...

I agree with divz about the awesome pictures. I enjoyed them. Mom