Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Hiking Boulder Ridge near Mt. Baker

Last Saturday my friend Dave and I went hiking on Mt. Baker at a place called Boulder Ridge. The snow melt has been slow this year, so we started at a lower elevation but still reached snow after 30-45 minutes of hiking. The day was overcast until we headed home but still afforded us views of the peak of Baker, a dormant volcano. Dave told me when he was a Boy Scout they would go on hikes where if you fell down you were given 7 points, kind of fell 3 points and just touched a hand 1 point. I would up biffing it on the trail back for a full 7 points and also sliding down a steep, snow-covered slope for another 7 points. Needless to say Dave won the game. Still, who could complain about being out in the woods on a glorious day!

Looking up Boulder Creek to Mount Baker. The headwaters of this creek were our destination.

This Western Tiger Swallowtail was hanging out near the trailhead.

Looking back down the trail towards Baker Lake and other mountains.

Posing in the shadow of the mountain.

Another picturesque view of Mt. Baker.

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